Sometimes you just have no clue what guys are thinking. Joel and I are very vocal about what we are feeling, but having a baby is definitely new territory for us both and even though we talk about it all the time I still sometimes wish I was in his head to really know his thought process. This week I was given a little insight into Joel's head.
At work I received an email from Joel which read this...
"I had a very vivid dream about our baby this morning. I was holding him (it was a boy in the dream) and his face was so soft and warm and we were watching someone doing cartwheels outside. His cute little eyes followed the movement and his head would push against mine to get a better view. It was so real. I do hope we have a girl but I wouldn't be disappointed to have a boy. It is just so crazy how both of our genes are coming together to form a person. WOW, God is amazing. I am looking forward to every moment of development with you."
For anyone who knows me you can imagine that my eyes were not dry after reading that! I shouldn't read his emails at work. It makes me even more excited knowing that he is equally as excited as I am to expand our family!
Then a few days later we had my 12 week appointment where we could hear the heart beat with the doctor. Joel came along to hear the heartbeat once more and to familiarize himself with the whole pregnancy process. He definitely provided way more laughs than I have ever had going to the doctor!
I had to have a pelvic exam and Joel's chair was positioned so he had a clear view straight up the sheet...I really wasn't ready for that so I made him stand up by my head during the exam. During the question time Joel had a ton of questions..."How much longer can she ride a bike?" "Can she cross country ski this winter?" "Can she snow shoe?" Are we sensing a theme?! It is obvious that Joel is nervous that he is losing his adventure buddy! Luckily we got the green light on most of the activities so we should be all set! I don't know how much I will feel like doing, but at least we know I can do it.
Later that night while discussing the appointment Joel had a "True Confession" moment. He admitted that he had always thought a pelvic exam was when I would stand fully clothed in front of the doctor and they would check to see that my pelvic bones were even! Ha! I had a good laugh over that! He was shocked what a pelvic exam really was! The scary thing is that he teaches Sex Ed! In his defense, he only teaches the boys, so I guess he doesn't have to fill them in on the details of girl exams.
The next day after the appointment I sent Joel an email thanking him for coming to the appointment with me and I received an email back from him that read...
"No problem, it was a new and interesting experience. I can't wait for the next one. It is very reassuring to know everything is going well and to hear our little one's heartbeat. I was thinking that I should have recorded it as my ring tone on my phone. That way when they are older I will know who is calling by their heartbeat in the womb. Isn't that cute?
I love you."
Wow! I love this man! I love his honesty, sappiness, love for me and our little one. He is going to be an amazing daddy and there will for surely never be a dull moment with him around!