
February 8, 2014

From the Lips of Babes...

Parker just keeps us in awe of everything he is learning and always has us laughing!  Here are some of his memorable things lately.

We were listening to the radio and the song was talking about Jesus in your heart. Here is the conversation that followed.

Parks: "Where is Jesus?"
Mommy: "He lives in your heart."
Parks:  Looking down at his heart  "I can't see him!"
Mommy:  "He is in your heart, but you can't see him.  You just have to have faith that He is there."
Parks: "But I still can't see him!"
Mommy: "He is there and he loves you very much!"
Parks: "Jesus is in my heart!"

At lunch the other day I offered Peyton a sip from her bottle and she swatted it away obviously not wanting any.  Parker calmly tells her she should take a drink so she doesn't get dehydrated!  Who knows where he learned that word from!

Parker has been a little under the weather with a cough lately and since it feels so dry in the house at night Joel put a humidifier in his room.  While brushing teeth in preparation for bed he said he was ready to go to the campfire.  Joel didn't know what he was talking about because we have not had a campfire in months.  Joel then realized he was calling the humidi"fire" a campfire!  So cute!

February 7, 2014

Our baby girl is ONE years old...

Peyton...Pey Pey...Peyton Mya...

This year has gone by quicker than I would have liked.  I will admit that there were some times that were difficult, colic and 8 weeks of an ear infection were definitely not the highlights of your first year!  When I look at you now, though, I don't remember any of that.  Instead when I look at you I could almost cry because you are getting so big.  I wonder where all of this time went.

  • I think about the first time I laid eyes on you...I was in awe.  I could not believe that we were being blessed with a little girl!

  • I think about all the times I held you in the night and rocked you back to sleep with your sweet-stinky breath blowing in my face.

  • All of the times you have made me laugh.

  • The way you crinkle your nose...especially when you are pretending to be a rabbit.

  • How your hair sticks out so crazy when you wake up.

  • When you start wiping/throwing food off your tray to signal you are all done eating.

  • The most adorable little open-mouth kisses that you give to Daddy and Mommy.

  • are already bringing it into our life...just what we wanted!

  • The way you sign "more", "please" and "all done" cute!

  • How excited you get when Mommy or Daddy comes home from work.

  • The special relationship you have with Parker already.

  • How you fold your hands to pray at do sneak food once in a while though but you always fold your hands again after putting the food in your mouth!

  • Watching you discover the world...figuring out how things work, reading books, watching animals outside and learning how to walk!

This year has been a blessing to our family as we transition to a family of four and see the way that you will enrich our family.  We pray that God will continue to shape you into the little girl that He desires you to be.  I sometimes let my mind wander and imagine what He has in store for you in the future.  We pray that He will use you to advance His kingdom and that you will have a compassionate heart and desire to serve others out of the overwhelming sense of gratitude you feel for the grace God has given you.

Love you so much sweetheart.  Happy Birthday!

Peyton loves giving her bear some loving and hugging!

Peyton has taken over Parker's chair as her own.  She loves climbing in and climbing out...over and over again!

 Crazy hair during bath time...

Parker loves the role of older brother.  He bought Peyton a blankie for her birthday and always brings it to her.  He wants her to love it as much as he loves his blankie.