
August 29, 2014

Summer Randomness...

Best buddies...

Barrel rides through the neighborhood with Mr. Tom...

Too many helpers?!?!

Parker's farm creations...

 "Please don't sleep Daddy...we want to play!"

Pretend Naps...

August 25, 2014

Too tired?!?!

With Parker skipping naps some days he gets a little sleepy.  We found out exactly how sleepy tonight.  

We thought he was in his room trying to go poopies, but after quite some time I figured I should check on him.

I found him sleeping standing up next to his bed!  Poor buddy!

August 24, 2014

Cran Hill Ranch...

Engedi camped at Cran Hill again this year and we tagged along for some of the fun!  Josh hooked us up with a 1993 RV which was super fun and worked great for our family…maybe we will have an RV in our future?!?  

The weekend was beautiful and sunny despite the weatherman saying there was a 60% chance of rain every day.  We had fun getting to know the families from Engedi, swimming, campfires, visiting the animals at the barn and spending lots of time outside.

The ride home was a quiet one when both of the kids fell asleep on the back bed!  So adorable.

Peyton so proud of her bracelet.

Checking out the big dog, Teva, from a safe distance.

Huge sand pile=lots of fun, but very dirty!

Peyton with all of her friends.

Cheerios + Praise Babies=a quieter morning so Parks can get more sleep

Quiet ride home.

August 21, 2014

Hudsonville Fair...

Joel and I never have a dull moment with our two littles.  They are both a little sensitive at times and you can never anticipate when that is going to be.  

Our evening started out wonderful at the Hudsonville Fair.  Both of the kids were really into the animals and all of the tractors that were available to sit on.  

Then the tractor-pull started.  

Let's just say it was a little bit loud and very disturbing to both of the kids!  Add in a lot of loud rides, tons of people and nearing bedtime and you have a recipe for screaming/crying children who want to leave ASAP and want you to cover their ears for the whole walk back to the car (Parker)!!!  When we finally made it to the car, we just had to laugh because it was such a 180 degree turn around from when we started…oh well!

Overall I think they would still say they had fun!

Our Little Slugger...

Peyton is more adorable with every passing day and she is getting more skilled at doing things too.  Today she tried her hand at baseball and I think she may have even hit one or two.  She sure did look cute and Parker liked to provide pointers whenever possible!