It is the beginning of our kids making their own friends as they head off to school. Play dates now are starting to consist of friends they choose to come over to play. Praying for strong Christian friendships for our children!
Parker and Camden trying out their golfing skills together...Peyton of course is tagging along!
May 26, 2016
May 23, 2016
Pre-School Graduation...
How can this be? Where has the time gone? There used to be days I would dream of my kids being ready to go to Kindergarden so I could have “a break” and now I am near tears at the thought of Parker heading to Kindergarden next year!
Parker has absolutely loved Pre-school this year and has really grown a lot throughout the year. The shy boy who was hesitant in large social situations now begs to go to school on his days off and loves playing and chatting with all of the kids in his class. He has learned to write his name very legibly, speak tons of Spanish, sing Spanish songs, recites Spanish Bible verses and prays confidently and thoughtfully (not the same prayer every time). I am constantly amazed at the young boy he is becoming. Parker has such a tender heart for people, animals, the Bible and prayer (every time he prays he ends by saying “praying makes my eyes water”!). He loves learning new things and asks such great questions that sometimes stump us or make us wonder how much we should share (ex: when he asks how do babies get in your tummy!). Parker is loving to be active outside riding his bike everywhere, trying new sports (golf), running around, having friends over and exploring all with his best friend, Peyton, close behind!
We are loving this stage with Parker...he cracks us up all the time, he is still so sweet and cuddly and he brings such joy to our family!
Congratulations sweetie on all you have accomplished this year! So excited to the summer ahead!!!
May 20, 2016
May 19, 2016
Tractor Love...
The love of the tractor continues...Sawyer just loves to ride with Joel
every. single. time.
he mows!
He sure does rock those headphones though!
May 13, 2016
May 11, 2016
Our Little Boy...

He says…mom/mommy (1st word and says it 100x’s/day sounding like a teenager) dog, duck, bird (but he says dog!), dada (said it a few times), bubbles
He loves outside (goes in and out of the screen door by himself), pop bubbles, babble, go for walks around the block, stay up late with daddy & mommy (not our favorite thing but he is pretty darn cute at night!), give big open-mouth kisses, whine/cry (big pouty lip!), shoot hoops

He can sign...all done, more, please, thank you
He’s the his jammies (we just want to eat him he so darn cute!)
Quirky habits...Some nights he will not fall asleep. He isn’t crying but fusses once in awhile and flops around in bed. We always end up getting him up and then within 10-15 minutes he poops! He refuses to poop in his bed ever. After we change him he goes right back to sleep.
Remarkable talents… he can blow his nose really well. Our other kids didn’t learn this until they were 3 years old!
May 8, 2016
May 7, 2016
It's a Car Wash...
Give them access to a hose, some soap and let them clean!!! They cleaned their cars for over an hour! I can't wait to hone this skill to my advantage some day and get me a clean car! Sawyer was content exploring the toy tub!
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