
September 22, 2016

My lovies...

 Magna-tile Towers almost as tall as Parks!

"Lookin' for the enemy".

Future drummer for U2...

Horse rides with does that wood floor feel on your knees, daddy?!?!?

Fruit pouch cuties...

Relaxing with some books with daddy...

Tractor time...gotta love that purple paci!

Learning how to eat with a spoon...left handed?!?

Mowing the lawn is hard work...

Best buddies corner...

Bunny buddies...

September 12, 2016

Three-school Fun...

Peyton is in Three-school at Zeeland Christian this year!  She is our social butterfly so we are excited to see her thrive at school, make new friends and begin loving Spanish.  Maestra Rodriguez is her teacher and Maestra V is the assistant.  Looking forward to seeing what the year holds!  The huge backpack is just too cute!