
July 30, 2014

What's our Parker like...

Parker has always been an easy child for the most part, but 3 years old is definitely proving to be our match.  Here is a little about what he is up to...

-He is transitioning out of naps right now and when he doesn't nap the evening hours are challenging…lots of crying, time-outs, redirections, outbursts while eating, etc.  

-He is in big boy undies full-time during the day now and stayed dry for 1 week through the night but has had a few wet nights the past few nights.  He is doing amazing though!  His favorite is to go pee in the same toilet at the same time as Joel!  Pooping still takes place in his diaper but we are hoping to end that soon.

-Poor buddy has really bad seasonal allergies right now.  He is on meds for it and supposed to be on eye drops to help with the red and dry eyes but he does not like those.

-He is super observant and remembers everything.  He remembers everything he sees and who he was with while doing activities.  When we drive by random places he remembers if he has been there.

-He is needing a few more re-directs lately and throws mini-fits more often.  Time-outs, spankings and taking away favorite toy privileges are frequently happening.

-He truly has such a sensitive heart...concerned for others, sweet snuggles when he gets up from a nap, fun conversations as he learns more about the world.

-He is very into reading his Bible and reads a few stories before he goes to bed every night.  He is about 1/2 way through a pretty big Bible.  I love to hear the questions he asks...the Bible is pretty violent at times…leads to some interesting conversations!

-Parker is getting ready to start school soon!  He says he isn't excited, but we are hoping for a smooth transition.  

-He is flying around every where on his bike…we are considering switching to a pedal bike soon!

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