
March 4, 2012

I want even more for our children...

Back in October Joel and I dedicated Parker to Christ stating that we will raise him to the best of our abilities to love and serve the Lord and His kingdom.  While that obviously is the most important thing to us, it is definitely not the only thing we want to instill in our children.  Lately I have been making a list of other things I want our children to embrace.

1.  Be kind to everyone you meet regardless of race, socio-economic background, how they look/smell or how nice they are to you.

2.  Laugh often and hard.  Be willing to laugh at yourself.

3.  Don't take life too seriously.  If you follow #2 you probably won't.

4.  Lose well.  Don't be a sore loser that no one wants to be around.  Learn from your loss.  Figure out what you can improve on for next time.  Congratulate the person who won.

5.  Avoid gossip.  It will only get you into trouble, and will make people not trust you or confide in you.

6.  Be generous.  Everything you have is truly not yours so don't hoard it all.

7.  You are never too old to kiss/hug your mom and dad.

8.  Always say "Thank you" and hug the person (if possible) who has given you a gift.  Show the person that you appreciate their thoughtfulness and the time they put into getting you this gift.  Also, send a Thank You note whenever possible.

9.  Confidence...not too much where they are cocky, but enough that they feel like they can say what they really think and not care what other people think.

10.  Be selfless...think of others before yourself.

11.  Be someone who can carry a conversation.  I don't like talking to people who don't elaborate on answers to questions.  It is much more enjoyable to chat with someone who shares things about their life and asks you questions about yourself without over sharing.

12.  Start tithing and saving at a young age (right when you start earning money) so that it becomes habit for the rest of your life.

I am sure I will think of more as our kids grow up, but for now this is a pretty good list!

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