
April 22, 2012

Parker's 1st birthday letter...


Today marks 1 year that you have been in our lives!  The time has flown by so quickly!  Daddy and I could not have even begun to imagine how you would bless our lives!  It is hard to imagine that you were the little person growing inside of me a year ago.  I always had a hard time imagining what you would be like, but I am glad I didn't try to imagine because I wouldn't have imagined you perfect enough.  From the moment you were placed in our arms God has blessed us beyond measure.  We thought our life already was so fabulous, but you have enriched it so much more!  Your smile can melt our hearts, your giggle can get us hysterical, when you learn new things we are so proud, and when we reflect on the little boy we have been blessed with we are always brought to tears. 

Tears have definitely been a theme this past year.  Daddy and I already were pretty emotional people, but having you has just softened our hearts even more.  I cry when you are teething because I don't want you to be in pain, I cry when I hear of other people's babies not being healthy and I feel so fortunate that you are, I cry when you smile that adorable smile, I cry when daddy cries, and sometimes I just cry tears of joy because my heart is bursting with so much love for you.

This past year has been full of new changes for us as we adapted to learning how to be parents for the first time, figuring out how to balance a much busier life in one sense and yet a much slower one in another, and feeling the responsibility of teaching a child to love and serve the Lord.  We have appreciated all of the support from our family, friends and church as they walked along side of us as we raise you.  You are truly blessed to have so many fabulous people in your life who pray for you and invest in your life!

I love every aspect of you, Parker!  Your little personality is endearing.  Your smile melts our hearts.  The look you give us when we come home from work is priceless.  The way you giggle when daddy pretends to be a gorilla is hysterical.  The way you bury your head in my chest as I rock you in middle of the night are some of my favorite moments.  I love having you as my side kick every day watching you learn new things and experience the world.  I feel so proud when you fold your hands as we pray to Jesus to thank him for our day and pray for others.   I feel so blessed to not be working full time so I can be home with you and spend as much time together as possible.  The days I spend with you make me so happy!  You are such a sweet and happy little boy and every where we go people comment on how happy and cute you are. Daddy and I definitely agree!

We don't know what the future will bring, but know that we will be by your side, hand in hand, every step of the way.  We can tell by the way you giggle at the little girls on Praise Babies and at church that we are in for an exciting adventure!  We pray for you every day as you grow into the little boy that God created you to be.  You have brought so much joy into our lives this past year!  We love you so much.  You are our sweet little boy, and we will love you forever and always.

Love you Parker Miles.

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