
January 24, 2012

Discovering the world...(7-9 months)

Due to the busyness of getting ready for the holidays, the past couple of months have flown by!  Parker is growing like a weed and learning so much every day all day!  I sometimes feel like I can see the wheels turning in his head as he discovers new things and I find myself sitting back and watching with pure joy!  His latest discoveries are realizing that when you pull on a book from the bottom of the pile the whole pile will fall on you, that shaking the toy hammer produces funny noises and lights, that making a basket in the mini basketball hoop makes mommy and daddy erupt in cheers, that playing with Tupperware on the kitchen floor makes loud noises and is very fun, that opening drawers is challenging without whacking yourself in the face, and that spinning in a circles on the hardwood floor is very fun!

The past few months Joel and I have spent more time laying on the floor than we have sitting on the furniture!  We love to be down on Parker's level so we can experience all he does every day and be in the action.  He loves climbing over us, throwing balls (he actually throws really hard...we are trying to teach him to only throw balls!), being chased by us, playing with unconventional toys (socks, spoons, etc), chattering away cheerily, and pulling himself up on furniture!

Parker has learned to go from his stomach back to sitting and sits on his knees. (6 1/2 months) 

He has become more independent and plays with toys by himself.  (7 months)

Parker got his top 2 teeth!  They have broken through the gums, but are slow coming all the way down. (7 1/2 months)

Parker went from an army crawl to actual crawling!  He started out slow, but now cruises around every where!  (7 1/2 months)

Parker is in the beginning stages of pulling himself up on furniture.  It isn't happening very often yet (maybe a few times a day), but he is liking to be standing more and more. (8 1/2 months)

Parker's bottom 2 teeth popped out too!  (8 1/2 months)

Parker has started eating more solid foods.  He now eats 3 solid food meals a day, and can eat small pieces of banana, avocado, small veggies in meat puree, baby cookies (his favorite...also daddy's favorite!) and CHEERIOS!!!  (8 months)

Parker's 9 month check-up was fabulous!  No shots this time so that for surely made mommy happy!  He weighed in at 20 lbs 4.2 ozs (50th%) and 29 inches (75th%).  Everything looked fabulous, and he is growing on schedule and he is still the cutest baby in the world...the pediatrician even said so!  Well I might have made that up, but I am sure she was thinking that!

Check out what we have been up to lately...

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